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Here are some guides to assist you along your journey. Subscribe and receive all the free guides from our resource list. 


Planning Your Dream Birth?

This short birth plan template is a great start to help you make a plan for birth. While you may not be able to control the outcome of your birth, preparing helps your birth team know your preferences and allows you to make decisions comfortably in any circumstance.

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Pump Mama Pump!

Breastfeeding can be a very enjoyable, but if this is your first rodeo, it can be a bit challenging before you get the hang of it. Being prepared ahead of time can promote a smooth transition into your milk making duties. In this guide, you will understand the supply and demand of milk and tips on how to have a successful PAIN FREE latch!


Ouch! My Back

Back pain during the third trimester and labor is pretty common. But you don't have to submit to the pain. This guide provides illustrations of different positions that can help relieve back pain AND can be great birthing positions!


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