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 FAQ's for Doula Support

Belly Binding FAQ's

How do I go to the bathroom while wearing the belly bind?

I recommend having the belly bind wrapped beneath all of your clothes for the best fit and most comfort and convenience. The most effective belly bind stretches from just below your bust to about mid-hip, near your pelvic bone. For modesty’s sake (and because of heavy postpartum flow) you’ll want to wear whatever underwear (mesh, etc.) while binding. It is still easy enough to pull your underwear out from under the bind the first time you use the bathroom and when you’re finished, simply pull them up over the bind or tuck them back underneath.

I’m happy to answer any additional questions and discuss and thoughts you may have.

Do I still need a doula if I have a cesarean birth scheduled?

Definitely. As a Maternal Support Practitioner, I am able to support you through any type of birth, regardless of the circumstances. Whether your planned vaginal birth ends a in c-section; or whether your baby is super eager to meet you and your birth ends in a rapid home birth, I will be here to support you and help you advocate for your preferences.

Do I still need a midwife if I hire you?

Absolutely. While doulas and midwives both support you during your birth experience, their services are different. Midwives are medically trained and focus on delivering a healthy baby while doulas focus on the mother's needs by offering informational, physical, and emotional support.

Do you perform physical examinations?

No. I am NOT going to perform any medical procedures on you our your baby. This includes fetal monitoring, cervical examinations, blood pressure testing, blood sugar testing, heart rate monitor and catch or deliver your baby. Ultimately, all medical decisions will 100% be based on your preference –However, I will be available to provide the resources and information you may need to make informed decisions.

How will hiring you affect my partner’s role during the birth?

Although I am considered a birth partner,I will never replace your partner, but rather offer support to your partner. I can provide them with evidence-based information from reputable sources in order to make informed decisions in any birth situation. Regardless if it’s a romantic partner, friend or grandparents, your partner’s experience matters in birth and I will aim to support them in being as involved as they’d like with the birth.

What are the benefits of hiring a doula?

It is extremely important to receive continuous support during labor and delivery. The following are some of the benefits associated with continuous support from a doula:​​

  • Increase labor satisfaction,

  • Decrease the length of labor

  • Decrease use of pain medications

  • Decrease the risk of Cesarean births

  • Decrease use of Pitocin (artificial oxytocin)

  • Decrease the risk of a low five minute Apgar score

  • Increase the chance of a spontaneous vaginal birth.

  • Decreases the likelihood of having Postpartum Depression

How effective is belly binding compared to a postpartum girdle, like the ones you can buy at Wal-mart?

Imagine the difference between buying pants that claim to fit everyone, regardless of size or shape and getting custom-fitted by a professional. What would be more comfortable? The custom fit is, of course, going to give you the best results. Likewise the traditional belly bind is a custom fit every time. It’s made of soft materials instead of having boning or Velcro like most girdles, which can dig into your skin and be painful when you sit or lay down, especially if you’ve had a cesarean. The Malaysian belly bind is the best option for your time and money if you want the results mentioned above.

 What makes belly binding different from western postpartum girdles like Belly Bandit?

Its length and the custom fit. A Malaysian Belly Bind is a long wrap that covers from under the chest all the way down to below the hips. This way, it doesn’t just work on the waist, but also helps the ribcage and the hips go back to their former dimensions. It also stays put when you move, and so it doesn’t press on the abdomen. Girdles that only bind the abdomen also push down on the pelvic floor muscles and organs, potentially causing or worsening pelvic, uterine, or bladder prolapse. The custom fit cannot be found anywhere else, and this improves the results you will see.

How long should I wear the binding?

Traditionally, the Malaysian belly bind is done for the entire postpartum “confinement” period, which is 30-40 days in the cultures that observe this practice. This is unpractical for modern day living, and the results diminish after a week or two. We've found the best belly binding length to be 12-24 hours for 5 - 10 days.

 I've heard some women/experts say that belly binding prevents the pelvic floor from healing, causes prolapse, or weakens the abdominals. Is this true?

It's so hard to say with individual experiences. When done incorrectly (usually when a girdle or corset-type bind is used) belly binding can put downward pressure on the pelvic floor, making already existing weaknesses more prevalent. If a woman does not rest while wearing the binding, but instead is standing, walking, running errands, cleaning, etc. Then that also contributes to weakening the pelvic floor but it is more likely caused by her lack of rest than by the bind itself. Another factor is if they wear it too long without adding in appropriate exercises to strengthen their core and pelvic floor. All of my clients receive a book containing gentle appropriate exercises for the first 6 weeks postpartum to start healing your pelvic floor.

There's something to be said for prenatal preparation, too. If you don't take care of your pelvic floor before delivery, it will be weak. Belly binding may emphasize that weakness, but does not cause it. People always look for something to blame and never want to accept responsibility for their own actions. As long as you take care of your body and belly bind correctly, you have no need to be concerned.

​Forceps or vacuum delivery, along with episiotomy and repair can contribute to weakening the pelvic floor. Some women aren't good candidates for belly binding if they feel excessive pressure or fullness in their vagina after giving birth, have a known uterine, bladder, or rectal prolapse, experience severe incontinence issues, or have had recent surgery. I give discounts to clients who see a pelvic floor therapist and/or take a pelvic floor strengthening class from Align Integration Movement in Salt Lake City, UT or online to encourage more women to take charge of their pelvic floor health.



How effective is belly binding compared to a postpartum girdle, like the ones you can buy at Wal-mart?

Imagine the difference between buying pants that claim to fit everyone, regardless of size or shape and getting custom-fitted by a professional. What would be more comfortable? The custom fit is, of course, going to give you the best results. Likewise the traditional belly bind is a custom fit every time. It’s made of soft materials instead of having boning or Velcro like most girdles, which can dig into your skin and be painful when you sit or lay down, especially if you’ve had a cesarean. The Malaysian belly bind is the best option for your time and money if you want the results mentioned above.

Can belly binding be useful during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the hormone Relaxin works to loosen up all our joints in preparation for birth. This enables the baby to move more easily through the normally rigid pelvic area, as it allows bones and joints a greater range of movement. Unfortunately this can also result in greater discomfort during pregnancy when the pubic bone begins to separate. Sitting, laying down, and normal day-to-day movements sometimes become painful or even impossible. The bind can be tied short, giving support to your growing belly as well as your hips and pelvic/pubic bones. It is easier, however, to simply use a scarf, short baby wrap, or rebozo to wrap the hips, rather than have someone come bind you every day. (Please note: misuse of the belly bind during pregnancy without support from a professional can lead to restricted fetal growth and worsened pain, and is not advised).

My belly bind bunches, rolls, or moves during the day. How can I keep it from doing that?

The belly bind moves because you move! Realize, the cultures that do this also practice confinement, which is a period after birth where the woman remains in bed the majority of the time. If you are up and moving postpartum, the belly bind is going to shift, bunch, and roll. The only way to prevent this is to move less. Part of what belly binding does is encourage you to be down and resting.

Can I still belly bind if I have a c-section?

You can still receive belly binding if you have a c-section. We will wait until 4 - 6 weeks postpartum, based on your healing and recovery. The belly bind still has many benefits within the first two months. You can also receive belly binding if you have a miscarriage or stillbirth and in fact, the belly bind will speed your emotional as well as physical healing. Contact me for special bereavement pricing.


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